Saturday, May 29, 2004

It's Saturday and there is NO rain

I can't believe it. I woke up this morning and it's like Christmas in May. Every weekend for the past month has been gross but today it is beautiful. I am going to play volleyball down by the beach and then I might go for a run. Then, tonight it's all about Game 3 of the Flames - Lightning series.

Last night, I watched two movies. I saw Once Upon a Time in Mexico. I thought it was quite an entertaining movie. It had this serious element of the story but it was done in kind of a parady format which made it amusing. Johnny Depp was hilarious - his character of course was unique like all his other roles - he got to put his own style into it. The scenes of Mexico were quite nice as well...

I also saw Spiderman yesterday for the first time. Also, an entertaining movie and now I wanna see Spiderman 2 in a month. The story was good and I've heard from comic books fans that they were quite accurate to the original story. Tobey Maguire did a good job in the role of Peter Parker. I liked the film.

Well, enough of sitting at my computer on such a nice day...Time to get outside!
Have a good one.

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