Monday, May 10, 2004

Monday...the day after Sunday

Happy Belated Mom's day mom. I know we didn't really do too much for ya yesterday with all the chaos going on. I guess it must have been okay though to at least have your two sons home. I certainly enjoyed having the whole family together for the first time in a while. For those of you that don't know, my brother was visiting from London, England all of last week. He just went home yesterday. It was cool to have him around and fun to hang out. One of his best friends, Anand, was getting married so all week there was a tonne of stuff going on for the wedding. The Kelvaan, Haldi ceremony, Catholic Wedding, Hindu ceremony and finally the reception. It was quite a busy week but also a very fun one.

Tonight, I went to Ankita's place after work cause I wanted to go for a walk and play with her. We went to the park with her mom and grand mother. There were a bunch of kids all running around the park so that was a lot of fun to sit back and observe. Kids are so innocent. They are also very mischievous and tricky. I absolutely love Ankita and don't want her to leave but her family is moving to New Jersey in a couple of months and she'll be gone pretty much forever. I will only see her a few times a year (if that) so that really stinks. Tonight she kept saying "I love you" and "I want to give you a kiss". It was great. Long time now...since a girl said that to me :o)

Last week in talking to my brother, I was trying to get ideas of my next vacation. I am thinking Peru (Inca trail, Macu Pinchu) or maybe Costa Rica or perhaps Brazil. Still so many ideas. Gotta keep thinking of it and decide shortly I guest. It'll probably be in July or August (depending on my vacation schedule).

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