Monday, May 24, 2004

What Happened?

I was back on the blogging tip for a while and then fell off the bandwagon once again. The last little while has been a little hectic so I guess that explains. This weekend was May 2-4 Weekend and definitely great. It was the perfect chill out weekend. I didn't get enough sleep but I will be going to bed early tonight so hopfully I'll catch up a little.

My cough is back so that is no good. And, I've been sneezing like nobody's business cause of my allergies.

We are painting the main floor, upstairs hallways and 2 bathrooms in our house starting this week so the last while has been a lot of packing up stuff and moving furniture around (mostly to the basement). The painting starts tomorrow and will probably go on until the weekend. I think we'll be doing a lot of spring cleaning next weekend when we are unpacking everything and putting it all back. I also wanna try out my interior design skills - let's see what I can come up with.

I've got a number of dinner reviews for y'all but no time to right them now. The restaurants include Oro, Springrolls and Deerhurst resort.


so long folks...

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