Thursday, July 10, 2003

Don't have much time to write right now but I wanted to give a BIG THANK YOU to Tai before I go to bed. He came over tonight and helped me with my home networking issues. My wireless card for my laptop is now working again, we have some encryption, two out of the three computers are talking to each other and sharing printers. So, we are almost there. Only issues seems to be my work laptop. For some reason - it just can't connect. Perhaps there are certain setting that need to be deactivated. Will keep plugging away at it and we'll see what happens. When Tai left, his car wouldn't start so I had to give him a boost with mine. There we were in the dark on Scarborough streets trying to figure out which side to plug to positive and negative, etc. It was quite amusing but we figured it out in the end.

Today was a good day of work and tomorrow should be challenging. Have a demo for our portable Ultrasound system. It should be quite technical so I'm taking a technical expert with me. Hopefully I can hold my own though!

Today after work, I stopped by Hamilton for a little while to visit my friends J & M and their two young boys. M's sister Bina (the girl I visited in Tampa months ago) was there as well. We all hung out for a few hours and it was great to catch up and chill with the boys. I must say though - I didn't do much of anything but M especially was always moving cause the kids were always wanting to do something. Wow - kids can be a real handful! Don't wanna quite think about that just yet though...

Summer Sizzler tonight - we didn't do too well (will have to see what happens next week)

Blue Jays...what's up boys? Your bulletin SUCKS. I really hope you do something with that. Also, what's up with the Maple Leafs? Not signing any free agents despite the fans and current players getting more and more pissed off. And there is so much dissension in the head office - Pat Quinn is totally a control freak. He stepped down as GM but is still pretty much doing it. What's up buddy???

Night folks,

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