Saturday, July 05, 2003

I had a great evening with Natalie tonight. For those that don't know her...she is one of my best friends. We met at Shad Valley in 1996 (wow that was 7 years ago) and we instantly clicked, even went out for some time (she was my first girlfriend). Then a few years into our friendship, there was a bit of a falling out due mainly to a misunderstanding (as it always is). After that was cleared up, we were like two peas in a pod and we've been cool ever since. I'd say that she is one of the few people in my life that I can just pick up and be the same with even if I haven't seen her in months (or years, as was the case today cause it had been about 14 monthes since we last saw each other). I can tell her anything. She pretty much knows anything and everything about me. Despite the ups and downs we've had together, she is still very important in my life. I think that having someone like that in your life is very special and healthy because it gives you an outlet and a sounding board when you have things on your mind. She is going into third year of med school at Western in September and gonna make a kick ass doctor when she's done.

We had greek food tonight at Ampeli Grill and Cafe on the Danforth. I must say the service was sub-par. The food was not so good (dry lamb, dry chicken, bad hot sauce) except for the fried calamari - now that was yummy. We had a lot of leftovers when we were done because we ordered too much sub-par food and couldn't finish it. So, we took it all in big doggy bags and were going to go and give it to some homeless people. Drove to City Hall where lots of homeless people chill out and we were walking around for a bit searching for someone to give the food too. Most were sleeping, some didn't look that "in need" cause they had a nice bike or something. Others - you just weren't sure if they were homeless or not so we didn't wanna offend them by offering them our leftovers. We finally found this women and decided on her (it was funny cause at times, we were internally playing this - are they "leftover-worthy" game kinda like Elaine's sponge worthy thing in that episode of Seinfeld). Anyway, back to the matter at hand. We asked this women if she wanted the food and she asked what it was. We told her and then she agreed to take it. As we were walking away we realized that we should have split up the food among a few people in need because we gave that one woman a lot of food.

So Van City got the 2010 Olympics, eh? That is wonderful news and I'm really happy for them. I think it's great for Canada and I think it gives us a great opportunity as a nation to begin more heavily investing in amateur athletics, a stream of sport in this country that is truely suffering. We just don't have the practice facilities, coaching and other attributes of excellent superstars that start at a young age. Also, when you host an Olympic games you don't wanna be a flop of a host country - you gotta do well in the medal count (something we traditionally don't excel in).

Thursday night I got together with the Marathi Posse. It was the first time we were all together in quite some time. Kdot, Ashvin, G, Samp, KB, Romi, Rohan and I all got together at Romi's place. We hung out all night reminisciing about old times (and somehow I was the brunt of most jokeS). We also had some yummy dinner (thanks Romi and your mom) and played Cranium which is a really cool board game that basically mixes Pictionary, Sharades and Trivial Pursuit.

Last thing before I go to bed. Go and check out my boy Ketan's website. He just launched it and he did an incredible job. If you have any leads for him to work on...please pass them his way. He is very competent, confident and looking for more work in his field...Webpages, creative, logo design - hook the boy up... He is one talented mofo.

Etch, have a safe trip to Mexico buddy...

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