Saturday, July 12, 2003

Just got back from clubbing in Toronto. It was a fun evening with people that I don't normally hang out with so that made it even more fun. Got to meet some new peeps which is always a good thing. First, went to Inside. That is Vince Carter's club and tonight was Asian Night. All I've gotta say is holy cow - that was a sea of Asian people! I'd say that easily 90% of the club was Asian and of them, about 70% were girls. Needless to say - there was a lot of great looking people this evening. After Inside, we went to Up and hung with a few more familiar faces. All in all, it was a great evening. Time for bed though! Action packed day waiting ahead of me.

Also, still have to write about the "surprise" party I through for my bro on Thursday Night at the Airport Lounge . We had about 20 people come out, most of whom were Marathi posse. It was awesome to chill with all those guys (especially after so long for some of them)

I'm falling's 3:40 am!!!
Good Night

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