Monday, July 28, 2003

sitting in an internet cafe in london just thinking. victoria station outside is busy and crazy. totally reminds me of victoria station in bombay. weird how you can be in such different places but yet, there are so many similarities. so far, this trip has been exactly what i wanted and expected. i haven't been in a rush to go anywhere. i haven't woke up before 9:00 am yet. and today (my first day of touristy sight-seeing) has included a lot of walking and now i am tired. i think what i'll do is head out to a park and read my book (the life of pi) for a while and probably take a nap.

yesterday the bbq that my brother hosted was a huge success. there were about 20 people there most of the time out on the terrace so that was really cool. about 5 of the peeps were my buddies which was great too. but alas the majority were his posse from school. man, they are all such incredible people. All are in their late 20's or early 30's and they all are very unique and interesting people. first - the group is so multicultural (cause the school they all went to - INSEAD is completely international with students representing about 80 different countries (possibly more) so whenever you are in a conversation with any of them, you are bound to hear at least 3 or 4 different accents and languages. plus, the name of a different country will pop up every couple of minutes. these people are truely "wordly" cause they've done so much travel around all continents. in addition to completing a very difficult year at MBA school, they are also such well rounded indivuals - with skills/passions ranging from cordon bleu cooking, scuba diving, extreme sports, dance, travelling (of course), reading, acting and so much more. i love that they are such a diverse group of people. and if i ever do an MBA, it would have to be at a school or in a program like that.

this week - the other plans are a day trip to brighton, a day trip to bath and stonehendge, a cricket match, more sight-seeing around london, MORE jogging and whatever else comes about. it's looking less likely that I'm be going to Scotland this weekend cause it'll be just too hectic and there is plenty to see/do in London that will keep me occupied.

time to leave this joint and find a nice tree to sit under for a couple hours...
have a good one,

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