Tuesday, July 15, 2003

I must say. My last few blogs have been sub-standard to say the least. I mean, writing when I'm half asleep and nodding off mid sentence. Then not proofreading them before posting them. Wow, I may have even written some inner most secrets (cause you know, that's what happens when you aren't fully thinking about the task at hand) - your head starts to wonder and then it's over...

So let's write the blog I meant to write on Sunday night. First off - the weekend was wicked but so busy. It started on Friday night when I went to Inside and Up with Udub posse. It was a lot of fun and wow...it had been some time since I'd been hardcore clubbing like that. Inside was VERY asian that night. And I'm sorry to say but a lot of the peeps in there looked the same (check out all look same.com). But that's not to say that I can't tell apart different Asian people. I just mean that there are certain molds that the majority of them that night were dressed into. There was the small petite asian girl, the tall skinny one, the triad looking asian guy and the scrawny guy with the baggy dress shirt. Don't get me wrong - brown people follow the same types of looks more often than not. I mean there are the thugged out fools, the khaki/golf shirt preppy types, the girls with TONNES of makeup, etc, etc. So what is all this a comment on? Well I think it has something to do with our society's views on conforming. We all get sucked in by the GAP advertising that says "All in ______" and things like that. We are all becoming the same slowly. Check out Orwell's 1984 - perhaps some of the stuff he was talking about ain't to far away.

Anyway, I digress...

Saturday was spent with me organizing my photos. Yep I'm a nerd...A nerd suffering from OCD as many of you know. So I was writing the dates, people, events on the backs of many of my photos from the past few months in preparation of putting them in albums (along with ticket stubs and other randoms to mark the events memory). Sometimes I think...why do I do all this? But then I realize that it isn't so much for right now but it's for 5 years from, 10, 15 and maybe 50. Those are the times when I wanna crack open these scrap books. Now with digital prints, it makes that kind of nostalgia stuff harder. I do have a bunch of digital prints that I wanna take to Future Shop so that I can get hard copies to add to my scrap books. Then they'll be money.

On Sunday I got a voicemail and an e-mail from two friends wishing me Happy Belated Birthdays. They were all apologetic. It was quite amusing cause my birthday is on the 12th....of August. I must say they both really put a huge smile on my face. It was great to hear from both of them and it was even better to know they were thinking about me...can't wait to hear from them again soon. You guys know who you are.

Sunday, my brother left to go back to London. It was cool having him hear for a few days but we didn't really spend that much time together. I think it was kinda planned subconsciously that way though cause I'll be there in 10 days and we'll have 2 weeks together so this way, he got to spend time with his peeps. I can't wait for my trip next week. It is going to be awesome. And again, if any of you have suggestions, please let me know.

I played golf on Sunday with UW posse and it was a lot of fun. Birdied the par-5 Ninth hole to take the Uplands Championship away from Byron. It was sweet. Sorry buddy...we'll have to play again some time soon though. My game is feeling more comfortable as the days go by. I just have to consistently play more often and then I'll be set. Yesterday at lunch, we played beach volleyball at work. There is a court in the back and it was a blast. I can't wait to play with the guys again. Our work team starts playing on Thursday Nights down at Ashbridges Bay in the Toronto Sport and Social Club so that will be cool. And tonight, I am going to play roller hockey with the boys (Kdot, G, Ashvin, etc). I really need a new stick though. When your blade has the height of a quarter standing - you got problems.

Well, it's that time of the morning now...time to go and sit on the 401. Enjoy your days folks.
And check out our flava page. Sparks brought it back recently and we've been adding to it...

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