Monday, July 07, 2003

This weekend was fantastic. Just the way weekends are supposed to be. Got to see many buddies and just really chilled out. Played some golf yesterday. Went to a wedding as well and then today, hung with the family for most of the day and did a lot of cleaning. I played in my company golf tournament yesterday morning and I did really well. I got the longest drive of the day (about 280 metres) for men and when I left, I was closest to the pin as well (within 4 feet) so I'll find out tomorrow if I got that one too. My long game yesterday was definitely on so I'm happy about that. Hopefully the short game gets back to where it used to be...then it'll be smooth sailing.

At night, I went to my buddy Sachin's wedding. He is a friend from work and although I don't know him that well - it was still really cool to go to the wedding. He's Gujarthi and so is his wife. The reception on Saturday night was HUGE. It was actually a shared reception cause the two sisters both got married (one on Friday, the other on Saturday). Since it was so HUGE, there were actually over a 1000 people there. Yep - you heard right. There were at least 95 tables (probably more). There was amazing food (appetizers and dinner) and an full open bar. For dessert, they had all the usuals AND they had these two wicked chocolate fondue fountains set up. The best part for sure was the two big screen's they had set up on either side of the two tiered head table (which contained the two couples on top and the three sets of parents on the regular level). What was on those big screen's you ask? Well let me tell you. They had a live feed of the whole event on one of those amazing cameras that are on a 20 or 30 foot long lever that is moved/pivoted around by the camera man who is sitting down watching the action on a screen. The views provided by that camera mimiced the stuff you see on an NBA game or on MTV. It was so impressive. Very wicked idea. And I'm sure that wedding video is going to be money. The dance at the end of the night was wicked as well - it started out with a lot of Indian music (bhangra and hindi film songs). All in all - an amazing wedding and although I didn't know many was really fun.

Today, I did a lot of spring cleaning. Actually went through all my university notes and tossed out about 80% of them. Wow - what a waste of paper...that is gonna be a whole lot of recycling. It was really funny looking at notes talking about first year physics (F=ma) or Bio (Mitosis and Meiosis) or Econ (perfect competition, etc). Wow, that was some funny shite. Rachel/Chooey/Smith - I also came across our Human Ecology notes from UBC - now that was some funny shite. Man, I couldn't stop laughing...

Time for bed,

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