Thursday, July 17, 2003

This will be the hardest blog I've ever written. Reason is that a really close family friend of ours (practically my uncle) passed away on Wednesday July 16 at 4:40 pm. Thursday the 17th is his 71st birthday so the timing couldn't have been worse. It was so sudden that it caught all of us off guard. He had a mild heart attack last week and was admitted into Toronto East General Hospital. He was there all weekend, getting slightly better. Then today...things took a turn for the worse ; he had a second heart attack (this one more massive) and the doctors could do nothing more to save him. Someone like him is truely irreplaceable. I'm told that he did die in his sleep which is good cause he wasn't in any pain.

Kama Chitnis was an extraordinary man. He was kind hearted, no nonsense and happy-go-lucky. He was always entertaining to be around when stories were being told because he is a very animated store teller. He was an avid golfer...blis for him occured at least 3 times a week out on the golf course. Just last week, my parents, he and his wife and I all went out for dinner at East Side's. Him and I were chatting saying that I had to get out golfing with him again soon to show off my new golf game (with lessons and all). He was always really patient with me on the course as well. Kama Chitnis was a great person who brought a lot into the lives of the people he touched. My parents were really touched by Kama and his family. The two couples became such close friends over the years and would often go out for dinner together, hang out down by harbourfront at different festivals. I definitely know that over the years, Kama and Claire really added a more social element to my parents lives so they were able to start exploring the city and restaurants more closely. I've developed quite a close relationship with him over the years as well. He was in sales to start his career so he's been giving me tips about my current job and of course, there were all the conversations we had related to golf. A few years ago, Kama and Claire helped my brother, mother and I plan a surprise 60th b-day party for my dad that had about 70 people come (all in Kama's party room of their condo)

I also realized something else today. My parents are truely remarkable people. They help everyone (young, old, indian, non) - you name the person and my parents will be there to help them out. I am very proud of them and definitely know that they are good role models for anyone. Tonight was an interesting dynamic for me and my parents cause we are not much of a "hugging" or "close" family but in these circumstances, nothing else would have been appropriate.

The events of today simply made me realize just how unimportant many aspects of our lives are. The real important stuff (in my eyes at least) are family and friends. For me, I am no where without family or friends. They mean the world to me and are by far the most important things. If my job ever interferes with that on a continual basis (regardless of the job or company), changes will have to be made. I had an amazing conversation with C-dawg about this and MANY other things yesterday for a couple hours. We touched on career, vacation, girls, school, parents and everything else. It was great to catch up with him and I must say - conversations like that really help to put things into perspective.

Once again before I go to sleep:
Kama kaka - I love you and wherever you are now, I know you'll always be a part of me and my family. Thank you for everything you've done and everything you've brought to our lives.

May your soul rest in peace.

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