Saturday, July 26, 2003

hey folks. how is everyone doing? i am in london, england and so far - the trip has been great. it's been cool hanging with my bro in his flat. it's a really cool place close to earl's court tube station so it's really close to central london. so far, i've hooked up with a couple of my old friends from UBC. i met them both when i was on exchange 3 years ago. the first, kat, is a girl that i met from australia. she's a really cool girl with so many interests - it's amazing. we haven't seen each other since march '99 and to reunite in london is pretty cool. the other is angie who i met in my international econ class in UBC. she is such an awesome sweet and kind hearted person. i also got to meet her husband nate for the first time yesterday and he's a real cool guy. the two of them are moving to toronto in september so it'll be great to spend so much more time with them. and kat is thinking about visiting toronto again some time soon.

my brother and i just watched the boondock saints and i must was a pretty cool movie. raj's tv is kinda old and unfortunately it doesn't interact very well with his dvd player so we had to watch the movie in black and white. it kinda added to the aura around the movie though which was cool. the concept was really interesting and i really liked the way the story was told.

yesterday when i was walking around london i was in front of the natural history museum and came across the earth from the air photo exhibit. it was SO AMAZING. The photographer, Yann Arthus-Bertrand is absolutely incredible and I urge you all to visit that website and try to find more of his work anywhere you can. The canvases he chooses for his photos are absolutely mindboggling and the pictures he takes are so eye opening. The description of the event is here:

EARTH FROM THE AIR is a spectacular presentation of large-scale photographs of astonishing natural landscapes. Created by world-famous photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand, every stunning aerial photograph tells a story about our changing planet. Seen together, they are an outstanding visual testimony to the world we live in today. A world with a growing population, shrinking biodiversity, polluted lands and oceans, a changing climate and a shortage of drinking water. A world, nevertheless, of beauty and of wonder.

tomorrow...raj is hosting a bbq at his place and i'm gonna meet a bunch of his buddies and a bunch of my buddies are coming too. it should be a great time. hopefully the weather holds up. that is one thing about this city. it does rain quite a bit. you can really see how people are so happy and excited when it is sunny. it's not that often so when it happens - everyone is so excited to be outside and enjoying the sights and sounds of the city. this city is definitely world class so it's great when you can enjoy it. well, it's off to bed now but the exploration will continue tomorrow...

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