Friday, March 22, 2002

Good Evening all,

How's everyone doing out there tonight? I'm going home tomorrow morning, bright and early at 7:00 am. Can't wait to wake up for that. Tonight, all I've done is watch basketball. The UConn - SIU game was pretty crappy. Not much excitement and my cinderella Saluki's are no more. The other game, Texas - Oregon went down to the last play of the game and that was really exciting...the Ducks pulled it out. BUT MAN - did you see that Duke - Indiana game last night??? NOW THAT WAS NCAA TOURNY BASKETBALL!!! that was a huge game. very enjoyable to watch and although Duke lost, it was a great sporting event.

Yesterday, I saw one of the most beautiful girls that I've ever laid eyes on in real person. She is part of the Israeli Student's Association here on campus and was dancing with her group to some Jewish Folk songs at the Cultural Caravan. She was absolutely breathtaking. I hope that I see her again. Shoulder length brown hair, olive shaped eyes, perfect body, hardly any makeup, knew how to move her body, everything was awesome. I was way to shy and scared to go and say anything though.

Yesterday, my dad told me some bad news. A family friend of ours...Mr. Borwankar passed away. He was in his 60's and died of heart problems. We haven't been that close with that family in a while but still, any time you hear news like ain't good and you really take a step back and value everything around you.

I got rejected for a UW bursary. BUNX to those chumps! I really could have used that money instead of dipping into the old Line of Credit for my trip. Oh well, gotta do what you gotta do.

Off to Weaver's...
Good Night.

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