Thursday, March 07, 2002

Last night's Larry Smith talk was fantastic. He was such a captivating and engaging speaker. I learned and laughed. I just wish that I had the chance to hear him earlier than now. Man, I've been here four and a half years and I had to wait till 4B! The good profs are definitely hiding at this school. His passion and articulation were well received. Rarely do we have profs anymore that stand behind and believe in what they say. I have even more respect for Dr. Smith because he actually did what he preached in his past. He realized that his degree wasn't going to take him where he wanted to go and he made it happen. On a side though, he is clearly a genious and it's a lot easier for someone with his smarts to go far and find opportunities. That being's still great motivation for us all.

Quote of the day:

So, what do you do?
I'm an Engineer! How about you?
I'm I Scientist. I define the boundaries within which you work.


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