Tuesday, March 19, 2002

I would like to sincerely apologize for not updating in over a week. This past week has been completely hectic and it has gone by in such a blur. The school work is killing me and I am almost done. Another 24 hours and I'll be home free. Right now, it is 5:58 am on Tuesday March 19, 2002. I am up because I am finishing my B2B paper that is due at 2:30 pm TODAY. Then, I get to START my stats assignment that is due at 7:00 pm TODAY. Then, I get to START my advertising assignment that is due at 8:30 am TOMORROW. Geez, I am gonna be pooped tomorrow.

Enough about crappy school though!

MARCH MADNESS WAS FANTASTIC. I promise that I will get into more details soon (I've got plenty of stuff to write about).

Also, tonight - my basketball team won one of the B Division Championships. The final score was 44 - 30. It was pretty sweet. I finished with a stellar 0 points BUT I did have 8 assists. Almost had a single double!!!

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