Tuesday, March 05, 2002

this evening has been funny. i am at DC library right now doing some research for my bioprocessing project (a comparison of soy and dairy processing). so, i've been on TRELLIS, lexus-nexus, and a bunch of other sites. i found a bunch of books with titles like "Modern Soybean Production". so, i'm looking through these books and look at the copyright dates. some of them are 1970, others are from the 60's but my favourite is (c) 1952. i guess that some of the processes probably haven't changed but really...

M.BET presentation was pretty informative today. $20,000 for one year with someokay sounding courses...i don't know about that. also, i would not want to be one of the first or second graduating classes with that degree because new programs always have kinks in them.

good luck natalie on your crazy exams this week. and, good luck sachin and sangita on finding out your residency ranking results next week.

i'm going home now, i've had enough of the library for tonight.

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