Tuesday, March 19, 2002

I would like to sincerely apologize for not updating in over a week. This past week has been completely hectic and it has gone by in such a blur. The school work is killing me and I am almost done. Another 24 hours and I'll be home free. Right now, it is 5:58 am on Tuesday March 19, 2002. I am up because I am finishing my B2B paper that is due at 2:30 pm TODAY. Then, I get to START my stats assignment that is due at 7:00 pm TODAY. Then, I get to START my advertising assignment that is due at 8:30 am TOMORROW. Geez, I am gonna be pooped tomorrow.

Enough about crappy school though!

MARCH MADNESS WAS FANTASTIC. I promise that I will get into more details soon (I've got plenty of stuff to write about).

Also, tonight - my basketball team won one of the B Division Championships. The final score was 44 - 30. It was pretty sweet. I finished with a stellar 0 points BUT I did have 8 assists. Almost had a single double!!!

I also wanted to Congratulate Amisha, Bobby, Kris, Sanj, Bob, Rahim, Ravin and the rest of the crew for their awesome performance at the WICSA Culture Show on Saturday. First play in the Competition and Spirit. You's dun good!

time for bed (probably only for an hour or two though)
good night, i mean good morning --- the sun is coming up :(

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