Thursday, April 01, 2004

Lots of Stuff - Quite Eclectic actually

Did you hear about the Canadian man who won a $30 Million dollar jackpot last year but put the ticket in a safety deposit box at the bank for a year without claimin his winnings? And now, just as the prize was going to expire, he went into the OLGC office and claimed his prize. In interviews, he said that he wanted to make the right decision. He didn't want to do anything rash or uncalculated. He consulted with lawyers and accountants just to make sure he was doing the right thing. One funny thing is that in the town where he bought the winning ticket - there was a lot of speculation among the local residents. Tonnes of gossip as well. When the winning numbers are announced, they can determine where the ticket was purchased. He said that one day a few weeks ago he was in the store buying something from the shop keeper and there was a couple beside him who were talking about the unclaimed winning ticket. At one point during the conversation, the man said to his wife...the winner could even be that guy right there (and he pointed at Raymond Sobeski (the winner)). At the time, Raymond just nodded and smiled (knowing full well that he was actually the winner). I wonder if that man and his wife are watching the news now and remember doing that in the store whenever that happened. They were saying that Raymond lost out on about $1 Million dollars in interest by sitting on the money for a year.

Then, there was also the couple in Virginia who won $239 Million dollars (USD no less). CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT??? The guy says that he plans on investing some and the women basically said she was going to shop till she dropped. Man, that is just ludicris if you ask me. It came out to about $180 million before taxes (and they are going to get 1 lump sum).

Something is really wrong when people can make winnings as high as that. What does lottery money actually go to? I mean, when people buy lottery tickets, does that just go to the government? Is it pure revenue for the government after they pay off the winnings? Let's do some quick math...

30 Million people in Canada
How many are at lottery buying age (have to be at least 18)
Let's say 60%
so that is 18 million people
Of that - how many buy tickets?
Should I differentiate b/w males and females? No.
So, let's say 50%
That is 9 Million people
How often do they buy tickets on average?
Let's say once/week
How much is a ticket?
So that is $9 million per week for 52 weeks.

I think that I made some incorrect assumptions. I am also too tired to check my logic.

Anyway, where was I going with that? I guess I was just trying to understand what the whole lottery industry is all about. Are the winnings that go to people funded by people buying tickets? Where else does that money go? Does OLGC or the Government donate to charity?

ER was awesome tonight. One the best episodes I've seen in a LONG time. They were ranking the med students in this episode and Neela (Parminder Nagra's character) was ranked quite high except the knock on her was that she was too passive and didn't take charge of situations enough. She ended up taking charge and screwing up and a patient died as a result. Gallant tried to cover for her. But she couldn't go along with it and eventually told the truth. When Weaver was interogating the whole group - Carter covered for Gallant and Neela. In the end though, it looks like Gallant might be royally screwed because he falsified a patient chart after the fact (making it seem like he ordered Neela to give the demoral). As a result, he committed a felony. And after all this...we've gotta wait till next week to find out what happened. In one other season, Gallant admitted that he was going to ask Neela out. And her reply (through tears) was "I was going to say yes". I thought that was a pretty slick line. Right after that...they showed her balling in a room and they showed Gallant realized how badly he may have messed his career up. It was quite touching and I hope it works out okay.

Wow...look at me - I am writing and talking as if all this is real. What a dork. I am so hooked on this show though. It's the only thing on TV that I watch religiosly (other than sports).

NHL Playoffs
Wow. This is going to be an exciting year. I can't believe how close it is. St. Louis lost tonight. Nashville won. So that means that St. Louis, Nashville AND Edmonton are all tied for the final 2 playoff spots. One of them ain't gonna make it. Who's it gonna be??? I really hope Edmonton comes through but the cards are stacked up against them because they only have 1 game left against Vancouver whereas St. Louis and Nashville both have 2 games remaining. The Oilers are in a must win game but St. Louis and Nashville still have the luxury of losing one game (because they both have more wins than the Oilers).

As for the Leafs - the first round is gonna be crazy. No Owen Nolan. Possibly no Tucker. Not sure about Klee. And of course - not sure how long Belfour will last. Let's see how things go for the boys this spring. I am getting ready to watch! I don't wanna play New Jersey or Ottawa in the first round. I would take my chances with Boston, Philly or Montreal. Let's see how it plays out though.

I am setting up a Sportsnet Playoff pool so if any of you want it, lemme know. I've got the usual suspects already so if there are any other peeps, I'm all ears... Blair my man - you in a pool? Can I join?

I have to write about this and just say that I was deeply saddened by the news this week. I didn't know Cecilia but like many Canadians (and others from around the world), this story made me contemplate everything. I will never be able to understand the type of anguish and pain that Cecilia's parents must be going through. All of their grieving and thoughts will never bring their daughter back. That is a very scary thing to say. I just don't understand what happened and there seems to be so many theories so it's probably gonna go on for a LONG time (because there is just not that much evidence right now). I am deeply saddened that this 9.5 year old girl didn't get to live life. She was an accomplished pianist. Loved cats. Was doing very well in school. Clearly a very bright girl who quite possibly would have become something quite amazing. And to see all of that just shattered is really scary. I'm not sure if this is a good statement to make but I'll say it anyway, there are plenty of people in this world that don't need all of what the future has to offer. Why can't some of them be let go earlier on than necessary. Save the good ones...let them stay a while longer. On the radio the other day, someone was saying that she is very afraid to have kids because she doesn't want to bring someone up in such an environment that is so scary and random. Another caller called in and said the fact that you have a chance to bring someone into this world is the potential that they will be someone that could change this world. I thought that was quite profound.

Carving in Vermont
I had a great weekend last weekend (actually...exactly 1 week ago right now, I was on the bus to Vermont) in Vermont. The Friday and Sunday were great carving days and actually, so was the Saturday (although there was quite a bit of fog and rain). I was riding goofy and regular pretty well by the end of the 3rd day. I've still really gotta practice my carving and got a lot more proficient with it but I think I really made some positive strides on the weekend. This sport is ALL about confidence. With confidence, comes more skill. One thing about snowboarding that is for sure - there are certainly several cute ladies who've taken up the sport. I think the politically correct term is Snow Bunnies. That's right, ain't it?

This Weekend
Going to a wedding reception this weekend. Kdot's brother got married in India and the reception is happening this weekend. It is gonna be a blast and much of the Marathi community is going to be there so it's gonna be awesome. I've got Dragonboat practice as well and I'm gonna play some roller hockey. I'll probably also do a little shopping and I'm gonna see a couple of apartments/condos. Oh yes...tomorrow night I am going to a concert. The Toronto Tabla Ensemble is playing at Harbourfront Centre. I hope it's really good like the last time I saw them. There are 2 Marathi peeps in the group so it's always great to see them perform. After the show, I am gonna meet up with the Sci/Biz posse since Dave is coming into town. It'll be great to see Dave and Veronica again (after a very long time)

What would a post from me be like unless it didn't mention my #$#%$#@ neighbour. I hate him yet again. Tonight he is playing some crazy hip hop that has a lot of base and what sounds like mixes with rock music. I absolutely want to kick him repeatedly in the head. I need to go to bed now. He better shut up in 16 minutes (I'll give him till midnight)

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