Monday, May 26, 2003

as my messenger name currently says...How do I transfer my contacts/calender from my work computer outlook to my personal computer outlook?

The weekend is over. It's time to go to bed and start a new wake. Now I wish I was still in Milwaukee cause tomorrow is Memorial Day and I would have ANOTHER long weekend. Wouldn't that be money? Today was chill. Hung out with G and Andrea - saw her condo and we went rollarblading. I need new blades cause they are damn uncomfortable (or I need orthodics...should maybe check that out). But the blades will have to wait cause there are plenty of other things to be purchased...most importantly some new suits for work. Yep - I am currently doing some suit shopping. Gonna hopefully pick up a couple this week. Was watching the Simpsons - Behind the Laughter episode this evening. It's a repeat from early in the year I think...they said that the Simpsons were a family from Northern Kentucky. Did they let the cat out of the bag? Are they actually from Springfield, Kentucky? (if there is such a city?). Made dinner for my family tonight...risotto, burritos and asparagus...and James - they were all YUMMY.

Yesterday, saw Matrix Reloaded. Thought the movie was pretty good. I don't totally remember the first one but I thought this was entertaining and I think that I followed it pretty well for the most part so that is good. I think that it set up the final movie very well. I just read Kevin and Tchao's blogs about the movie and I must say that they really dove deep into this movie. I did make one similar observation to Tchao and that was related to minorities and more specifically...the amount of Asians in the movie. I didn't expect to see so many but whatevs really. I probably just noticed it cause there were no prominent brown people. Check this out though - In Spellbound, 3 of the 8 kids are brown so take that!!! (I didn't see Spellbound by the way...I just heard about it). Oh yeah, I almost left after the credits and then remembered that the preview for the 3rd Matrix was after the credits. I must say though...after waiting through about 7 or 8 minutes of credits - I finally saw the preview and wasn't that impressed. Speaking of previews, during the preview and commercial half hour prior to the start of the "feature presentation", I saw previews for Bad Boys 2, T3 and The Last Samurai - all look really good. Last night after the together with some peeps (Sunil, Cris, Jen, Tai, Dan, Agnes, Carolyn) and we went to the Shallow Groove Lounge in Little Itally. Had a really fun time. Maestro put me back in a great mood. Man, I love that song. Let Your Backbone Slide is such a Toronto is awesome. Whenever it gets played at clubs here - everyone goes nuts and most of the guys know most of the words (it's the only song that I know all the words too). Just thought you'd like to know that last thing...

Time for another week of work...
Until later,

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