Monday, May 19, 2003

Back from the cottage. Refreshed. That is the word I will use to describe the weekend. Relaxed could also fit as well. Damn, I really like cottage life and I totally see how city folk love to get out of the busyness and crazyness of the city to get out to tranquil water and air. It was definitely a great weekend away at Marty's cottage. Tchao and I left a bit early and got home last night...the drive wasn't bad at all (2.5 hours). And, that whole worry about Black Flies! Nothing. Well, there were some but it wasn't that big a deal at all. A couple of us got a few bites but nothing major...those little shits defintely take a chunk out of your skin though! Martin - thank you very much for your was awesome to spend the weekend up at your cottage and hang with the boys. I must say the weekend of poker, guitars, golf and bbq-ing was exactly what I was looking for. IT was too awesome... The other thing I wanted to mention was that Marty, Sparks, Kyle, Kidd, Smith and Tchao - you guys are all awesome on the guitar - thanks for all the jamming...

It's Holiday Monday now...and beautiful outside. I think that I'll wash the car this afternoon and hopefully go out for a rollerblade or play some golf or tennis or something. Speaking of golf, I played quite possibly the best round of my life yesterday. On 18 - I shot a 103 but that was with a damn 12 on the 9th hole when I just lost concentration. I was driving really well the whole time and I was 1 and 2 putting almost every hole. I had about 4 pars which was sweet. All in all, a great game to get the season rolling (I won't count Collingwood a couple of weeks ago). Have to itch to get out and play again soon.

Some of my Milwaukee peeps might be coming to visit soon so that could be cool. Maybe next weekend? Cause it's Memorial Day? Cool.

Well, I am going to eat some brunch and read the paper...more to come later I am sure.

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