Tuesday, May 13, 2003

So it appears that I am getting a little slack for my terminology in some of my blogs. Apperently it's a bit too proper or something. You don't like yummy food Sparks? All kidding aside, I was just catching up on James' blog and I must say...that is some funny reading. Dude, I am impressed - you are a hardcore reader. I wish I read more. That is something that I really gotta start doing. Well how about that...currently, I actually am reading something. It's Stupid White Men by Michael Moore. Interesting so far but at times, seems just too well orchestrated...where did he really get such great info? Or could he be like that guy for the New York Times?

Etch, I 100% agree with you regarding Mike Myers performance on the Tonight Show last night. That was absolutely fantastic. I was watching the entire thing waiting for him to talk about Toronto. He came out wearing a Toronto Maple Leaf Sweater and after the break, Katie Couric gave him some time. And it was perfect. He spoke eloquently and simply. It was the perfect message to an American society brainwashed by their own media. I love the shot he through in about the media as well. And at the end - total class to awknowledge all the health care workers in Toronto that are the real heros.

Speaking of healthcare workers, today I was at Cambridge Memorial Hospital doing some work and encountered my first experience with SARS at a healthcare institution. I had to fill out a form, make sure I was okay, rub some hand sanitizer and then I was on my way. Not that many people inside the facility were actually wearing the masks but they are still limiting the amount of people inside hospitals. That is in Cambridge too...imagine Downtown Toronto and Scarborough.

Congrats to Team Canada on Sunday. And a hearty congrats to Anson Carter, another fantastic Scarborough Superstar (in case you didn't know - Mike Myers is from Scarborough as well). That was sweet to see Carter score that goal and it's always awesome to see Canada win a Hockey Championship. Damn, I would love to represent my country in an event of that magnitude.

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