Thursday, May 15, 2003

I have just been trying to connect my work laptop into our network at home using my wireless card to no avail. I am a computer retard ladies and gentlemen: i was struggling with my damn blogger website the last two days trying to change the template and add some links/nav bars to it. Couldn't do that. Now, I was trying to connect my laptop to the Internet using my Wireless card but couldn't do that either. What the phug is up with that??? Kevin was trying to help me through the wonders of MSN but we tried everything he could think of - still no dice. That really sucks...guess I'll have to wait till tomorrow to figure it out. Once that works - then the next challenge is to get my network actually working so that my computer can talk to my dad's computer (and vice versa) and so that they can both talk to my work laptop. I want to share the scanner and printer so that I don't have to plug/unplug them all the time...

Who's seen Matrix Reloaded yet? I haven't. In fact, I am quite behind on most of the action movies of late - never saw Spiderman, Daredevil and X2 either. Will have to see all of those at some point. Not sure when but it'll happen.

This weekend - going up to Marty's cottage with the boys. That is going to be awesome. I can't wait to chill out with the UW posse, have some beverages and other ish, play some poker, some basketball and beat off black flies - it's gonna be great!

The Lakers lost and are gone from the playoffs tonight!!! YEAH!!!
Go's all you now.

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