Saturday, May 24, 2003

So, it's the morning now...I have re-read my past two blogs (which have been quite serious) and...I change nothing. Gun control in America sucks and the pollution and degradation of our planet throughout our entire society sucks. Why can't it be against human nature to waste and litter? I wish it was that simple. I know that I've commited both problems in the past but I have also done my share of help by picking up garbage and trying to clean up litter. This problem stems further down to our isn't just a physical thing (that we choose to do). The problem could be related to our upbringing these days. There really isn't much regard for our society. At some point...we will probably run out of food. Actually - we already have in many other parts of the world. I wonder if that will ever trickle to North America or parts of Europe.

I don't know the answers but I feel like I need to do something...
Guess there is a lot of thinking ahead.

Any help? Thoughts?

p.s. Lebron James is NOT worth $90 Million. That is ABSOLUTE CRAP

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