Tuesday, May 20, 2003

I saw X2: X-Men United tonight and I must say...I really liked that movie. I don't totally remember the first one but I know that I saw it twice and neither time did it really make an impression on me. This movie was cool though...some good character development and some great plot development. There were a couple of times when I didn't really know what was going on but all in all, i think that I figured it out. Especaially the Mystique scenes...cause she can be anyone. I was just playing on the website as well...check it out! They've done a really cool job.

Well, the Sens stayed alive this evening which was good. Hopefully Wednesday night has a similar outcome but playing in New Jersey will be tough. Smith - good call about Spezza buddy. Perhaps you should be the coach...guess you just didn't think of Chris Neal and the pine-rider, eh?

Mowed the lawn today. Washed the car. Did Laundry. It was a successful day - I just didn' go for a run or rollarblade but I've got the gym tomorrow so I should be fine. Some questions for the peanut gallery...When washing the car, how do you not get streaks on your windows? What kind of cloth should I use? And, do you use Armour All? Do you like what it does? I find that it just made things look greasy and splotchy...not a big fan but again - I probably didn't do it right. So, if you've got any car washing tips or suggestion - please send me a message

Good Night

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