Saturday, May 24, 2003

It's 2:45 in the morning. Time for bed. I couldn't go to sleep until I wrote this blog though. Reason is...I just watched Bowling for Columbine, The Michael Moore film about gun violence and gun control in America. What a scary scary movie. The views expressed by people in this movie are utterly mind boggling. I don't care that your damn 2nd Ammendment says you have the right to bear arms. What the hell is wrong with this picture? The stuff that he unfolded...especially crap related to the NRA, Charleton Heston and Racial issues. All the stuff he brought up about differences between countries and the amount of gun related murders in each ranging from 37 in Japan to 165 in Canada to 11,387 in the U.S. Yes you have to take into account the difference in popoulation size but damn...what the hell is up. Then, the whole montage he had about how Americans have done this and that in all these coutnries including training Osama Bin Ladan and funding his army in order for them to beat Russia or giving Saddam Hussein military aid and training in hopes of them beating Iran during their war. Look at how all that crap backfired...

The basic simple clear message was that the American society is all about two things today. Fear and Consumption. The fear is manifested by everyone and everything around them (most notably the media especially when tey talk about their daily terrorist warnings - like today was a code orange). Consumption is a result of this fear...whether it's buying weapons to "protect" yourself and your family, or buying supplies in case of Y2K or consuming all this media crap that is being spewed through the's all CONSUME CONSUME CONSUME.

I haven't proofread this blog cause it's all free flowing emotion right now.
I'll re-read it in the morning and decide then if I want to change anything
Now, it's time for bed...

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