Wednesday, May 14, 2003

Today was a great day for terms of working out. I ran the treadmill, did lunges and abs for an hour during lunch. Then, after work tonight - I had dragonboat practice. So, it was definitely a great day for physical activity. I also ate really well today - lots of fruits and veggies, a bagel, egg whites and great Indian food for dinner. This workout and eating routine that I am trying to stick on is going to work out great. The motivation behind all this is that I weighed myself the other day and I've never been this big. I am no porker or anything but damn, it ain't nice. I gots to tone up and look tight. Will take some time but I am determined. I wanna lose some serious weight (approx 15 pounds). There, now that it's in writing and all of you are reading it...I better succeed. Please keep me in line whenever we are together eating, etc.

I saw my niece this evening. She is 6. She is awesome. I love that girl. Man, I hope that my kids are as awesome as she is. She is the best behaved kid I cute and so smart as well. Who knows though - when she's at home, maybe she throws tantrums etc.

Okay so I have to say that J.S. Giguere, the Anaheim goalie in this years NHL playoffs is playing unbelievably. Currently, there are 4 minutes left in Game 3. If it ends the way it is. That will be three games (11 periods) of shutout hockey by him over the Minnesota Wild. Craziness!

What the hell is going on in the world today when something so effed up as this occurs. Man, I just don't understand this. My dad told me tonight that on the news - they said that out of Ontario's 500 "declared dangerous sex offenders" who have been released, there are approx 260 living within 3 km of Holly Jones' house. And none of the residents in that area were made aware of anything. That must be the case throughout the entire province as well. What is up? How does that work? Also, the Federal Government program in place to supposedly take DNA samples or create some sort of criminal database on dangerous offenders (sex, murder, etc) is so far behind schedule. It just ain't right. If they need money to set this up...then do it! Take money out of other stuff. This should be of paramount concern because people's safety is at risk, especially that of children. It really sucks that people have to live their daily lives in fear. I am not saying that this doesn't happen elsewhere cause there are plenty of countries in the Middle East or other parts of Asia, Africa and South America that this is a daily occurence. I guess fear in society is something that we have to live with from now on. You see it portrayed in the media every day. There is just too much out's not healthy.

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