Saturday, May 31, 2003

Greetings Earthlings. I just watched a really good movie called What's Cooking. I just stumbled upon it in between doing laundry in the basement. It was a really excellent story about 4 families in LA and how they each celebrate Thanksgiving and have issues. Despite multricultural differences, they all experience the same kind of hardships and issues that all others do. It was directed/produced by Gurinder Chadha, the same director of another classic, Bend It Like Beckham. I must say that What's Cooking sucked me in because of the realism of the families. There were typical stereotypes of course but excellent use of those stereotypes to really add to the story. Family issues and cultural differences were displayed quite wonderfully as well. I don't want to say too much about the actual plot in case some of you see it...but I do think it was a good film.

Last night, went to the Jays game (a 13 - 2 romp) over the Boston Red Sox. Man, that was a good game. They are playing really well and this is exactly what Toronto sports fans need after a dissapointing season by the Raptors and a dissapointing first round by the Leafs. Let's hope the Jays keep it up... After the game, went to the Karsh Kale concert at the Bambu with Tchao, Smith, Sach and KB. It was a good show and of course - Karsh was great. I thought this time though that the vocals were too overpowering. At times, they took away from the amazing instrumental sets that were going on. The other crappy part was that all the other acts that were on the ticket didn't show up. It was pretty annoying actually. So, the concret didn't start until 11:30 or so and went till about 1:00 but there was so much time for more. Unfortunate but really, what can you do? If performers are booked and then don't show up for their commitments, the promoters can't be faulted. But the patrons shouldn't have to pay either cause I assume that the performers who didn't show up won't get paid for their portion of the gig. I ask...what happens to the x% of my ticket that was supposed to go towards those performers? Should I get a refund? Should it go to charity? I think my $x and that of the other 500 or so people will be going straight into the pockets of the promoters...

Last night, Smith, Tchao and I did a lot of talking about life, relationships, family, work and everything else. These conversations are always reassuring and definitely nice because I know that I am not the only one questioning things. It's just tough though because I have such an easy problems really to worry about. Yet I am still not satisfied. Am I ungreatful for what I have? Do I want more? I'm not sure what it all means. It's tough to really get a handle on things because there are so many variables. The one thing that I know is for sure is that I don't have any substance in my life right now. I work, I go to the gym, I go to Dragonboat practice, I eat, I hang out with friends, then I sleep. Then it all starts up again the next day - there is no time for anything's all so rushed. Work is the central piece of that because there is an unwritten expectation to always be working as well. Gone are the 9 - 5 days and as a result, the time that I can use to add that substance to my life. I don't know what that substance is but it involves passion and dedication. I can sit around and chat with others and think this stuff all the time but it just keeps ending up with the same answers; just more questions. It's weird to think about it from my parents or other elders perspective too. They all sacrificed so much coming to a new country and starting fresh so people like, my brother, Tchao and whoever else could have a nice fresh start in this wonderful country. We had that and have made the most of it so far but I'll only speak for me (but I know many others feel the same way) when I say that I am not satisfied. I am not sure what is missing (other than that aforementioned substance) but I wouldn't want people like my parents and other elders to not be proud of me. I know they are...they are happy that I am healthy, happy and "succesful" so far. That is good I suppose but there just needs to be more. "success" and "happiness" have different meanings for us all. That is what we are striving for. I'll leave my thoughts at that for now...enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Going to Montreal for work tomorrow for 4 days. Should be fun.

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