Thursday, May 22, 2003

my neck hurts. my back hurts. my feet hurt. i getting old? i had dragonboat practice tonight and went for a run before hand - damn, i feel great but have a few little aches and pains. alls well though. i am working out a lot, watching what i'm eating. within no time - i'll be back at the weight i want! this is a vow...

wow...great hockey game tonight. quite an awesome overtime with end to end action. i am happy that ottawa pulled it out and now it'll be great to see what they are really made of on friday night in front of their own fans.

work has been fine of late. i am finalizing my territory tomorrow with my manager so once that is done, i will actually have real life customers and accounts which is pretty freaky. "Hello Dr. ______, would you like to buy this _______________ machine from me, the young 24 year old kid who is younger than your grandson?" we'll see how it all goes. it proves to be some funny times...

so i was curious - didn't watch it at all but it appears that Ruben was voted as this year's American Idol. it's interesting how this played out. the white guy vs. the black guy in the end. the white guy - small, scrawny and geeky. and the black guy - big, melodic voice and screaming fubu. what would have happened if the white guy won? chants of fix and racism? what will happen now though since ruben won? chants of affirmative action? in any case - i'm told that ruben was actually the better singer so if that is the case then it's good that he won.

time for bed. i don't get enough sleep every night...
gotta work on that!

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